Aboutonline Lutheran Bible Study

Bible study is an intimate, personal and deeply rewarding way of growing in the faith. Join us as we make our faith journey in Christ. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16).

Sunday Morning, 9:15-10:15 am, back in our own church building since August, 2019.

Download handouts from the Sunday morning Acts Bible Class! Acts Introduction Outlines of Acts Acts Summaries Article on Pentecost Notes on Acts chapter 1 Notes on Acts chapter 2 Notes on Acts chapters 3-4 According to God's Plan: A Portrait of Chris. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany; 1/17/21 The Baptism of our Lord Sunday; 1/10/21 Join us Sundays at 10AM for Live Stream Worship 2nd Sunday of Christmas; 1/3/21 Join us on Sundays at 10AM for Live Stream. Adult Bible Study. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. In the Life Center Previous studies are available below. The Lutheran Study Bible The first Bible in English developed with notes that are distinctly Lutheran, The Lutheran Study Bible provides Christians with deep and meaningful perspective as they read and study. During the fall and winter months when our population increases, we offer many Bible study opportunities. Sunday Bible Study FOR ALL After the 8:00 a.m. Worship service with Pastor Tom & Pastor Ken around 9:30 a.m. Coffee and fellowship before the class.

Aboutonline Lutheran Bible Study

Video Lessons. Meeting Sundays, 9:15 am – 10:15 am on Facebook Live.

Adult Confirmation Class, The Wonders of God

This course offers an opportunity for participants to become one with us in Christ, joining our fellowship as communicant members. Current church members may also attend to refresh their knowledge of the gospel. This course follows a study guide called The Wonders of God, which covers the entire Bible with brief overviews of all Bible teachings. New sessions of the adult confirmation class start regularly, whenever we have a group ready to meet.

Burning Hearts Small Group Study

Small groups meet to more deeply examine the sermon text from the preceding Sunday using active learning and discussion (not lecture), following a guide prepared by the pastor. Anyone may attend any of the groups. We begin a new session the week of January 12, 2020. A group meets on Thursdays, 7 pm on Zoom, another group meets Wednesdays, 10 am, on Zoom. Contact Schuyler Burkhart at schuyb@gmail.com for meeting ID and password.

Congregational Assistant Program

Anyone may attend the courses of the Congregational Assistant Program, a formal curriculum of study through Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN. We have gone through a study of other religions, church history, the Christian Family in preparation for Family Ministry Outreach, Christian Worship and an Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey and the Small Catechism, Church and Ministry, and other courses. Call Pastor Nitz for more information, (360) 923-1961.

The Book of Revelation

A few years ago our Sunday morning Bible study completed a thorough study of the last Bible book, Revelation. If you’d like to study this on your own, bring a thumb drive to the church so that we can load the study (Power Point slides) onto your device.

How you approach the Bible makes all the difference. See what makes our approach work.

The Lutheran Study Bible Pdf

People often come to the text of the Bible hoping to extract a few useful tips on how to live the good life. We want the gift of patience, a way to handle despair, or advice on choosing good friends. We want a better life. Approach the Bible that way and you’ll be reading in the dark.

The truth is that the Bible is a historical drama unfolding from first to last with Jesus Christ as the central character. Who Jesus is and what he did in history makes all the difference. Jesus made a bold claim. He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” We embrace the claim of Jesus that “these are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” The Bible is the account of the only true Light of the world. Approach the Bible that way and you’ll be reading with the lights on.

Sunday Bible Study

Holy Baptism: My Adoption into God's Family (December 2017 - January 2018)

This class offers a thorough review of Baptism, one of the greatest gifts God has given us. Through a study of the pertinent passages we will learn what the Bible says about this life-giving Sacrament. This study also helps us understand how Baptism has been taught by other churches at different times in history. We meet at 9:25 on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church. All are welcome!

Missouri Synod Lutheran Bible Studies

Women's Bible Study

Every other Saturday at 8:30 AM

Church Office Conference Room

The Bible Sisters Study, which looks at many different women of the Bible, highlights God’s faithfulness in each woman's life, along with applications to the lives of all Christian women today. Ladies, join us and call your friends and invite them to come and learn all about the LORD and what he has to say in your lives! Our Bible Study exists to nurture, encourage, and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God. It is also a wonderful way to get to know fellow sisters in Christ! We meet in the Conference Room located in the church office area. As always, you can check the most recent church calendar to find the exact dates we are meeting in the upcoming months.

Men's Breakfast Bible Study

2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month at 8am


Church Fellowship Hall

Free Lutheran Bible Study Lessons

Come and have coffee and some breakfasty stuff with a bunch of other guys. In addition to eating, we will discuss and study various Biblical books or topics. Come to eat, enjoy some fellowship, and join in the discussion.