Druid Tier for All Of Yourneeds

  • To give an example, I am playing a druid myself with a custom tiny race I made for my own campaign settings that is an inorganic race made of crystals. They eat crystals, gems, and ore instead of normal food, but my character is also a jeweler because of the race's natural ability to shape and grow crystals and gems.
  • Druid Spells Cantrips (0 level) Druidcraft Guidance Mending Poison Spray Produce Flame Resistance Shillelagh. Animal Friendship Charm Person Create or Destroy Water Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Entangle Faerie Fire Fog Cloud Goodberry Healing Word Jump Longstrider Purify Food and Drink Speak with Animals.
  • Dreamwalker Raiment (Druid Tier 3) The Tier 3 Druid set is called Dreamwalker Raiment: Dreamwalker Tier Set Bonuses. 2 Pieces: Your Rejuvenation ticks have a chance to restore 60 mana, 8 energy, or 2 rage to your target. 4 Pieces: Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, and Tranquility spells by 3%.
  • 1 Things Druids want Non-Druids to know 2 Things Non-Druids want Druids to know 3 Things Druids want New Druids to know 4 Things Bears want Cats to know 5 General tips 5.1 Mage 5.2 Rogue 5.3 Hunter 5.4 Paladin 5.5 Warrior 5.6 Warlock 5.7 Priest 5.8 Druid 5.9 Shaman 6 Reference If there is a druid in the party you already have at least one tank, one healer, one caster, or one.

Now that Naxxramas has a release date for WoW Classic, you may want to start preparing for the upcoming encounter. If you are aiming to collect your Tier 3 set as soon as possible, you’re going to need to stockpile many materials in advance. Naxxramas set-pieces are acquired by turning in tokens, similar to Zul’Gurub and Ahn’Qiraj. Each class requires either Arcane Crystals, Arcanite Bars, Cured Rugged Hides, Mooncloth, or Nexus Crystals to obtain the Tier 3 set pieces. Here’s the full list of WoW Classic Tier 3 requirements by class.

All of the required items are top-end crafting materials. It will help if you know a miner, blacksmith, leatherworker, tailor, and enchanter. Otherwise, you’ll likely want to scoop this off the Auction House as soon as possible before the prices skyrocket. For those looking to buy their way to the top, it may be getting too late, as supplies are limited. Either way, this is going to be time consuming and expensive.

Set items do not drop directly in Naxxramas. Instead, it’s a token-based system similar to ZG and AQ. You’ll need to turn in a Desecrated Token and additional materials to an NPC in Light’s Hope Chapel to obtain your pieces. Desecrated tokens share between classic, with the class grouping beings:

A druid who ceases to revere nature, changes to a prohibited alignment, or teaches the Druidic language to a nondruid loses all spells and druid abilities (including her animal companion, but not including weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She cannot thereafter gain levels as a druid until she atones (see the atonement spell description).

  • Warrior, Rogue
  • Warlock, Priest, Mage
  • Paladin, Shaman, Druid, Hunter

Here’s a full list of WoW Classic Tier 3 material requirements by class:

Warrior Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcanite Bars x20
  • Nexus Crystals x4
  • Cured Rugged Hide x19

Priest Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcane Crystals x3
  • Mooncloth x21
  • Nexus Crystals x8
  • Rugged Hide x6

Rogue Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcanite Bars x5
  • Cured Rugged Hide x42
  • Nexus Crystals x5

Hunter Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcanite Bars x17
  • Cured Rugged Hide x18
  • Nexus Crystals x8

Warlock Tier 3 Requirements

  • Mooncloth x21
  • Arcane Crystals x4
  • Nexus Crystals x8
  • Cured Rugged Hide x6

Druid Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcane Crystal x1
  • Cured Rugged Hide x36
  • Mooncloth x6
  • Nexus Crystal x7

Paladin Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcanite Bar x20
  • Cured Rugged Hide x15
  • Nexus Crystal x7

Shaman Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcanite Bar x17
  • Cured Rugged Hide x15
  • Nexus Crystal x8

Mage Tier 3 Requirements

  • Arcane Crystal x3
  • Cured Rugged Hide x6
  • Mooncloth x21
  • Nexus Crystal x8

If you prefer to look at all this data in a single image, SomeoneNamed on Reddit put together this infographic:

How to get Tier 3 Set Pieces in Classic WoW

Here’s the bosses in Naxxramas that drop the Desecrated Tokens:

Last updated: Nov 12, 2020

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Shadowlands Healer Rankings updated for the latest Shadowlands PTRPatch and thenewest Raid – Castle Nathria. We check this data every day and make sure thatitis accurate and up to date. The classes and specs here are ranked by their overall HealingperformanceinRaids at Level 60. The data is gathered from the most recent successful boss kills of Castle Nathriafrom WarcraftLogs. Wipes/trash fights are NOT considered. You can see the number of parsed logs foreach boss.

Healer Rankings

All Stars
Sun King's Salvation
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Huntsman Altimor

Number of logs: 257


Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin


Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest

No logs for this encounter yet

Number of logs: 61


Discipline Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin


Discipline Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin
Holy Priest

Number of logs: 61


Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin


Restoration Druid
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin

Number of logs: 2


Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest


Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest

Number of logs: 1

Druid Tier for All Of Yourneeds


Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest


Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest

No logs for this encounter yet

Number of logs: 85


Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin


Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Restoration Shaman
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin

Number of logs: 2


Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin


Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin

Number of logs: 45


Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Holy Paladin


Druid Tier  For All Of Your Needs Pdf

Druid tier  for all of your needs chart
Restoration Shaman
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Holy Paladin

By using the approach of combining dozens of real logs from last week's Shadowlands PTR RaidTestingof Castle Nathria, we can measure the central tendency of this dataset whiletaking statistical dispersion into the account to provide you with the most realistic chart. This isthe most reliable way before we have access to Shadowlands Simulationcraft data.

Please note that Shadowlands PTR is still very much a work in progress so these numbers are evolvingconstantly as Blizzard introduces many changes with every patch. We are keeping this pageup-to-date.

While such metrics have always been simply representative of the maximum potential HPS, you can stilluse them to analyze the output of your class/spec (such as what kind of performance you can expectfrom it) as well as to discover who is the Top Healer in Shadowlands PTR now.

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
A (High Tier)
Holy Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Discipline Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
C (Mid Tier)
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
F (Bottom Tier)
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
B (Mid-High Tier)
Holy Priest
C (Mid Tier)
Restoration Druid
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Discipline Priest
F (Bottom Tier)
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
B (Mid-High Tier)
Restoration Druid
C (Mid Tier)
Holy Priest

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Restoration Druid

Druid Tier  For All Of Your Needs 2020

E (Low Tier)
Discipline Priest

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Discipline Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Restoration Druid
C (Mid Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Holy Priest
E (Low Tier)
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Holy Priest

Druid Tier  For All Of Your Needs List

B (Mid-High Tier)
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
F (Bottom Tier)
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
B (Mid-High Tier)
Holy Priest
Restoration Shaman
C (Mid Tier)
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
E (Low Tier)
Holy Paladin

Frequently Asked Questions

🏆 What is the Best Healer class to play inShadowlands?

You can judge for yourself by examining the list above.Statistically speaking, the Top 3 Classes here would be a safe pick when you areaiming to achieve maximum healing efficiency. But do not be frustrated if your classor spec is not high-ranking at this moment – you can still excel with it if you knowwhat you are doing.

🎯 How frequently is this Rating updated?

We are well aware that dated information is of no use. And this iswhy we thoroughly check these stats every day just to ensure that they are authenticand we always tweak them whenever something happens to change. At the top of thispage, you can see the dates of both events.

🤔 Are these Simcraft or Logs-based HealerRankings?

We do not have access to Simulationcraft for Shadowlands (yet), sothis data is based entirely on Raid Logs from last week's Raid Testing of CastleNathria on Shadowlands PTR.

🙄 Are lower-ranked classes uncompetitive?

Not always. These kinds of rankings are intended to highlight commonpatterns, however, in particular in-game situations lots of variables couldinterject, and thus the lowest-scoring class/spec may ultimately end up becoming Top#1 Healer in raid/group. It all depends.