
This month is interesting in that it is partly still summer. Yes, the weather is pumping now, but September always seems attractive to me. The sun, oh, it's the sun, one of the reasons to love September. It is not as hot as summer, especially in the evening at sunset, when it is so beautiful. And in principle, the main thing that attracts this month is, of course, nature. Just when there is golden autumn all around, and not just bare trees. It's great if there is an opportunity to get out into the forest at this time, arriving there, you find yourself in some other dimension. It may sound crazy and strange, but it's just the same good.
I kind of have an autumn playlist where tracks are played that have not changed over the years. There is a certain group that I associate with this month and there is, of course, a favorite composition. I usually dress warmly, turn on this playlist, and head out into nature. There I just turn off my head and enjoy what is happening. I picked up one word, with it I would describe the whole range of feelings that I feel at this time of the year, this word is comfort. And it seems to me that everyone should have such a time. The time when you will be very comfortable. Time for personal reflection, realizing some things and focusing on something new. Perhaps you will agree with me, perhaps not, one way or another, I hope you have your favorite month, which you look forward to every year, just as I do. World.

What we do

World Wildlife Fund - The leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species. Learn how you can help WWF make a difference. Comment by Solaire I had been on Kivarr's Den and wasn't able to find Lord Herne when I checked for this Bastion Calling today. I figured that was the issue and, as it turns out, this guy gives both Kivarr's Den and this Calling quest. I completed more quests in the Campaign Chapter (Drust to Drust), which did help him show back up.I'm not sure which specific quest brought him back to the.


Forest World By Margarita Engle

World Ride supports the empowerment of women globally through mountain biking. Donations and proceeds go toward supporting women's mountain biking in Nepal, Guatemala, Peru and Lesotho in three areas:

  1. Recreation
    • Women do not traditionally have the opportunity for recreation in the outdoors. World Ride is committed to getting more women outside on mountain bikes to have FUN! Currently, we have a bike and gear library for women to use to go on recreational mountain bike rides in each location.
  2. Careers
    • Mountain bike tourism is growing around the world. We support women becoming mountain bike guides in their countries through guide certifications, leadership training and first aid training. We work with local partners that employ the women that we help train.
  3. Racing
    • We help to support women in their racing goals to help bring awareness to mountain biking in their countries and support these women with their competitive goals.

The story of World Ride

In March of 2017, World Ride founder Julie Cornelius traveled to Nepal for an AndShesDopeToo film Moksha, a women's mountain bike film project that evolved from Endure Nepal, a project she originally spearheaded in 2015. After two years, Julie traveled to Nepal with a team of lady mountain bikers to work with female mountain bikers in Nepal and tell their story through the film that was released in January 2018. As an extension of the original project, World Ride is committed to the long term vision of helping create opportunity for more Nepali women to begin mountain biking. Why just stop in one country when there is an opportunity to make an impact in other areas as well? World Ride has expanded is committed to the mission of empowering women globally through mountain biking.

World Ride works with local partners in each location that are committed to our mission. These partners help to recruit more women into the mountain biking community, assist in training guides and also employing certified guides. These guides have the opportunity to work year round with our partners, and they also guide all World Ride trips to their countries. These mountain bike adventure trips are an important part of our mission because they allow YOU to visit the places that we work to experience the amazing cultures and see first hand how mountain biking is making a difference in the lives of the women we work with.

The forest world

Forest Cover Map

We are thrilled to have expanded our mission to Guatemala in 2019 and will be adding two new locations in 2020- Peru and Lesotho! We will also be hosting movie nights in various locations around the US that feature women's mountain bike films and raffles with gear from our sponsors!