Viewtiful Joe Ps2 Vs Gamecube

Strategy Guide
  1. Viewtiful Joe - Dante is playable in the PS2 version of the game and he must save Trish. He appears in the PSP version of Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble as a bonus character. He lends his biplane, Carnival, to Captain Blue for a scene in one of his movies and he and the player race to defeat the boss of the stage.
  2. GameCube Baten Kaitos - 1 April 2005 Viewtiful Joe 2 (Capcom) - 1 April 2005 Star Fox Assault - 29 April 2005 Donkey Konga 2:Hit Song Parade (temporary title) - 3 June 2005 Batman Begins (EA.

Viewtiful Joe is an intriguing game to behold, making it almost as fun to watch and listen to as it is to play. But what makes this game an essential to any true gamers' library is that it's cool to its cel-shaded 2D/3D roots. Viewtiful Joe for the PS2 is essentially a slightly murkier looking version of the GameCube game with one more difficulty level and the chance to go through the game as. Capcom Japan heeft de nieuwe naam voor Viewtiful Joe 2 bekend gemaakt en het is 'Viewtiful Joe 2: Black Film no Nazo' (Viewtiful Joe 2: Mystery of the Black Film) geworden. Naast de GameCube. Viewtiful Joe 2 gcn is a beat 'em up game for the Nintendo GameCube. This game developed by Clover Studio and publish by Capcom. Screenshots: Viewtiful Joe 2 GCN/GameCube.

Play as Sylvia

Successfully complete the game in Adult mode to unlock Sylvia.

Play as Alastor

Successfully complete the game in V Rated mode to unlock Alastor.

Play as Captain Blue

Successfully complete the game in Ultra V Rated mode to unlock Captain Blue.

V Rated mode

Successfully complete the game in Adult mode to unlock V Rated mode.

Ultra V Rated mode

Successfully complete the game in V Rated mode to unlock Ultra V Rated mode.

Super mode

Successfully complete the game with a 'Rainbow V' rank in all levels ('V' rank for V points, Defense and Time on all tasks) to unlock Super mode. Select the 'New Game' game option, choose the character used to complete the game, then press Z. In Super mode, your character will have unlimited VFX.

Viewtiful Forever FMV sequence

Successfully complete the game to unlock the Viewtiful Forever FMV sequence.

Viewtiful World FMV sequence

Successfully complete the game in Kids or Adult mode to unlock the Viewtiful World FMV sequence.

Completion bonus

Successfully complete the game, then play it again in the same mode. You will start with all of Joe's powers (Slow Motion, Mach Speed, and Zoom In).

Japanese dialogue

Successfully complete the game in Adult mode to unlock Silvia as a playable character. When you play as her, most of the FMV sequences are in Japanese, but have English sub-titles.

Skip intermission sequences

During an intermission sequence, press Z to advance past it.

Extra L.I.V.E.

Collect 50 film canisters to increase your VFX meter by one cell.


Once you defeat Two-Armed-Bandit, you get to play slots. Put on Slow Motion and punch the slots to stop each wheel. If you stop it on Vs, you might get a Key. If you stop it on Cheeseburgers, you will get a free life. If you stop it on V-Coins, you will get the V-Coins. If you stop it on the Sun, you will get electrocuted.

Smash Caution things easily

Press B and jump up two times. Then, press B again and while in the air, press B again and it should smash it the caution things that give out electricity.

Send missiles back at enemiesPs2

Sometimes, enemies will fire missiles at you. Go into Slow Motion and punch or kick the missiles. They will flash red, then go after the enemies.

Put out fire

When you are on fire (not the Mach Speed fire), hold Mach Speed and it will go out quickly.

Cause more damage

When you are fighting normal enemies, use your slow motion power and zoom in power at the same time. This will make your punches and kicks more powerful.

Slow falls

Viewtiful Joe Ps2 Or Gamecube

When you jump off of something and begin to fall, start punching and kicking. This will slow down your fall.

Bus jump

In the Episode 2, you will have to jump on a speeding bus then jump on a ramp and over a big gap. Before you go off the ramp, hold down L for slow motion. The bus will gain more speed and will get over the gap.

Topless bar signs

In Episode 2, you will see some billboards for topless bars. They have topless girls with black stars over the middle of their chest.

See a Gamecube

When you are fighting Gran Bruce (the Boss of the Episode 3), he will sometimes spit out garbage. In the garbage, you will see a Gamecube.

Joe's name

At the end of Episode 5 when you have to fight the boss (Alastor), Joe still does not know what he should call himself. Also, Alastor does not know Joe's name yet. However, in the FMV sequence before the fight, Alastor will read the script that tells about their plan, and the cover page is marked 'Viewtiful Joe'.

Quick Viewtifuls

Use your Mach Speed and punch anything. You will get Viewtifuls that you can use in the store.

VFX power effects on items

Sometimes, your Mach Speed, Slow Motion, or Zoom In power will have effects on items. If you are in Viewtiful mode and your Beam Watch is glowing a rainbow color, it indicates one of you VFX powers will have a effect on an item.

Very fast attacks

To do a very fast attack, go into Zoom mode and hold R (Mach Speed). Then, hold Kick and you will keep spinning, doing damage to everything that approaches. When you hold Punch, you will start punching very fast and start moving forward.

Some like it Red Hot, Part 2

Jump up to the chandeliers ceiling then press B and jump. You will hit a switch and it will knock down the other chandeliers within reach.

Fuzzy screen

When you use up all of your VFX power, you will turn back into regular Joe. When you are regular Joe, the screen will be slightly fuzzy, like a old movie.


When you die, you will hear a voice that says 'Cut! Cut! Cut!'. Also when you pause the game during any episode, someone will say something.

Super Mario Bros. theme

Make a bomb and do not let go of it. Joe will begin kicking it with his foot, while whistling the first notes of the Super Mario Bros. theme. Also when you have V-Bombs, hold Kick to pull one out, then keep holding Kick and he will bounce the bomb and whistle the Mario song.

P.N. 03 trailer

Go to the options and enter the V-Gallery to find a trailer for P.N. 03.

Episode 2

When you first start the episode, go in slow motion and the water will get big. It will then fall on the switch. Then, run to get to the door.

At the end of the second part of Episode 2, after you break the hole in the ceiling with the bombs, you will enter a room with three lasers, enemies, and a big bomb. Kill the enemies, then use turbo and keep hitting the bomb until you turn to fire. When you are on fire, you will light the fuse of the bomb. Hit it to the end of the room where the stone wall is located and let it explode. It may take two bombs to destroy it.

Immediately before the end of the episode when you have to face King Charles the 3rd, there are four Statues. Use your Mach Speed and punch them to light them on fire. You will catch on fire and can punch the rest. You will get the key to enter the room to face the Boss.

Shooting faster on your ship in Episode 3

When you first start Episode 3 (2,000,000 Leagues Under The Sea), you will start moving. Press R for Mach Speed and press A to shoot much faster.

Kill Harrier Jet faster in Episode 3

When you go through everything in 2,000,000 Leagues Under The Sea you will face a jet. Drop bombs on its roof and deflect the missiles back at the jet to kill it faster.

Episode 4

When in part two of Episode 4 (The Viewtiful Escape), you will have to slow down time and hit some gears to stop them from moving. After that, there will be a straight away and enemies will pop up. One will contain a pink juice (infinite VFX power for a period of time). Some enemies will pop out. Start attacking them in slow motion. When a target comes on them, kick them. All the other enemies will get targets on them. Every time you hit one of them, you will get an extra 100 Viewtiful points.

Destroy the tank in Episode 5Viewtiful Joe Ps2 Vs Gamecube

When you encounter the tank at the start of the episode, your punches and kicks will not do much damage (not even in Slow Motion or Mach Speed). When it fires a large bullet at you, go into Slow Motion and punch the bullet back at the tank. It will not destroy it, but it will do damage to it.

Defeating Gran Bruce

When you first face Gran Bruce, quickly use Mach Speed and go all the way down where Bruce recovers well first. He will try, and you need to use your Mach Speed and run up and down around that area. He will then get tired. Start kicking and punching him in Slow Motion or Mach Speed. He will then spit bombs out at you. Run around again. He will then accidentally eat one. Hit him, and it will take a lot of health from him. Keep doing this until you defeat him.

Defeating King Charles the 3rd

After you land an attack on him, he will turn into many bats. Jump up and hit as many of the bats as you can. Each bat you hit will take some of his life away.

Defeating Rhino Davidson

Start by Mach Speeding him and he will defend with his axe. Two things may happen. He will either attack you or the axe will slip out of his hands, leaving him open for attack. If he charges at you, jump out of the way and run into the fire he left by for extra fire damage when you punch him. He should be dizzy from smacking his head on the wall, so you can attack him. Repeat those steps to defeat him.

Defeating the Boss with guns

When you smash all of the axes, you will enter a door. Go through it and you will battle a Boss with guns. When he fires a shot, switch to slow motion and punch his bullets. Then, slow motion again and keep punching him.

Defeating the Boss with the ship steering wheel

You will fact this opponent in Episode 4. You directly up to him. When he raises his arms and jumps, use your Mach Speed. You will face the steering wheel. Quickly use Slow Motion or Mach Speed to hurt him.

Store items and cost

    Air Joe: A beautiful flying punch-kick combo attack (5,000 pts.)

    Cheese Burger: Recovers one health (1,000 pts.)

    L.I.V.: Joe gets an extra life (1,000 pts.)

    Life: Life gauge goes up one (3,000 pts.)

    Mach Speed Level 2: While in Mach Speed, images of yourself will attack enemies (10,000 pts.)

    Red Hot Kick: A fantastic aerial diving drop kick; while jumping, press Down + Kick (8,000 pts.)

    Shocking Pink: Pull out a bomb and kick it at enemies; hold Kick (1,500 pts.)

    Sliding: Skid along the ground and do a slide kick; press Down + Kick (5,000 pts.)

    Take 2: Even if all of your points are gone, restart from the point you died (10,000 pts.)

    Ukemi: When you are hit, react to the fall and reduce damage to a minimum; before you fall, zoom in (30,000 pts.)

    VFX Turbo Charger: Double the rate of your VFX recover gauge (30,000 pts.)

    Viewtiful Forever: Strike a pose and damage all enemies on the screen (in Slow motion, dodge an enemies attack then Zoom in (20,000 pts.)

    Voomerang: Allows you to throw the V emblem like a boomerang; hold Punch (2,000 pts.)

Boss list

The following is a list all Bosses for each episode and their techniques:

Episode 1: The Dark Fiend, Charles The 3rd

    Direct Contact: 1 heart
    Wing Blade: 1 Heart
    Falling Stalactites: 1 heart
    Rocket Streak: 2 hearts

Episode 2: The Iron Ogre, Hulk Davidson

    Body Slam: 1 heart
    Axe Swing: 1 heart
    Fire Bombs: 1 heart
    Missiles: 1 heart
    Horn Charge: 2 hearts

Episode 3: The Aquatic Terror, Gran Bruce

    Debris: 1 heart
    Fish: 1 heart
    Mines: 1 heart
    Tail Swipe: 1 heart

Episode 4: Another Joe

    Physical Attack: 1 heart
    Clone Attack: 1 heart
    Six Machine: 1 heart
    Electric Floor: 1 heart

Episode 5: The Blade Master, Alastor

    Physical Attack: 1 heart
    Flying Swords: 1 heart
    Electric Shock: 1 heart
    Lava: 1 heart

Episode 6: The Inferno Lord, Fire Leo

    Physical Contact: 2 hearts
    Charging Leo: 3 hearts
    Fireball: 2 hearts
    Spinning Attack: 1 heart
    Falling Meteorite: 2 hearts

Episode 7: The Omnipotent, King Blue

    Vertical Lightning: 2: 4 hearts
    Horizontal Lightning: 2 hearts
    Rockets: 1 heart
    Die Fighters: 1 heart
    Laser: 1 heart
Special moves

    Red Hot Kick: The downward diagonal kick is both a great leaping attack and a handy way to collect objects in the air. Use it repeatedly on dazed enemies to keep them flying around at ground level, damaging each other.

    Air Joe: A leaping punch-and-kick combination, the Air Joe is both handy and stylish. Sometimes a plain old punch or kick in the air keeps you up there for too long. The combo makes you an airborne threat instead.

    Sliding: A sliding kick that carries you across the screen, the sliding attack is a great way to link combos. You can attack from a distance and then be in position to smack foes again when they return to earth.

    Ukemi: Attacks that knock you off your feet do the most damage, generally, and the Ukemi move heals your pain. As you fall backward, zoom in before you hit the ground. Your damage will decrease and you will come up ready to fight.

    VFX Turbo Charger: Arguably the best skill your money can buy, the Turbo Charger doubles the rate at which your VFX Meter refills, keeping you in the action longer. You will wonder how you ever got along without it.

    Viewtiful Forever: While dodging an attack in Slow Motion, zoom in. You will strike a pose, radiate energy, and do damage to everyone around you. It burns up a lot of JFX.

Viewtiful Joe Gameplay

Viewtiful Joe 2 is a beat ’em up game for the PlayStation 2. This game developed by Clover Studio and publish by Capcom.

Viewtiful Joe Ps2 Vs Gamecube


PS2 ISO are playable on PC with PCSX2 Emulator

Viewtiful Joe 2 PS2 ISO Info:

Release Date: November 18, 2004
Genre : Beat ’em up Game
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Clover Studio
Region: USA (NTSC – U)
Platform : PS2
Rom Type: ISO

Download Links: Game Size: 694 MB

USA –1Fichier | Megaup | Mediafire | Mega Drive | Multiup

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Viewtiful Joe Ps3

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