Mars In 9th Houseeleasysite

Mars in the Ninth House of the Natal Chart

  1. Mars In 9th House Elite Manual
  2. Mars In 9th House Elite League
  3. Mars In 9th House Of Horoscope
  4. Mars In Gemini 9th House

What does Mars in the 9th house mean? You are a very reliable person who is interested in learning more all the time.

9th House Also Known As: House Of Philosophy

A strong and positive Mars in fifth house will make its native very energetic and active full of confidence and vigor. He likes to take risks in life. He may believe in pump and show and will feel very eager and proud in showing his materialistic possessions and comforts to the world. » May 9th, 2015 - Game Talk with Ivan Davies While we're busy with our new-born kids, there's always a little time left for C64.COM! Andreas and Terry gives you an interview with Ivan Davies, the artist behind cool games such as Cabal and Midnight Resistance. Mars in 9th House You are open-minded and love the challenge of a debate. Avoid a tendency to become self-righteous and to disregard the opinions of others in your enthusiasm to uncover truths. You are sexually playful and energetic.

  1. Mars in the 9th House Natal Birth Chart Meaning Mars in the ninth house suggests interest in travelling, sports, religion and philosophy. These people adhere to their principles and strongly advocate their opinions. They usually easily convince.
  2. 66 Entry for February 2, 1861, John Herbert Roper, ed., Repairing the “March of Mars”: The Civil War Diaries of John Samuel Apperson, Hospital Steward in the Stonewall Brigade (Macon: Mercer University Press, 2001), 34. 67 Charles Minor Blackford to wife, October 29, 1863, Charles Minor Blackford, III, ed., Letters from Lee’s Army (New.

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Mars in 9th house

Ruling Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius


Celebrities With Mars In 9th House: Muhammad Ali, Tiger Woods, Kate Winslet, Madonna, Hillary Clinton, Salman Khan, Zac Efron

Positive Keywords for Mars in 9th House: Straightforward, Firm, Open-Minded, Social, Playful, Kind, Humorous

Shadow Keywords for Mars in 9th House: Blunt, Chaotic, Racing, Cocky

Mars In Ninth House: Personality Traits

Your goal is to uncover the truth, no matter what the cost. With Mars in the 9th house, you put all your energy into debating what’s right and what’s wrong to add to your knowledge. You are straightforward and firm in your beliefs, and no one can doubt your sincerity. Isn’t the Sagittarius zodiac sign (your ruling sign) known for that?

You may relate to a different element from what your Sun Sign / Zodiac Sign element is. Take this in-depth four elements personality quiz to understand it.

Because you try to be open-minded about everything, people tend to flock to you for comfort and socialization. You get along with all walks of life and put your efforts toward building a large melting pot of friends and colleagues. Your interest in education means you like to travel to new places and meet fascinating people. You find something influential in everyone.

Mars In 9th House: Positive Traits


The Mars in ninth house astrology predicts that your desire to add to your wealth of knowledge keeps you energized and excited about living, and your zest for life is infectious.

People enjoy being around you because you can’t stand dull moments – there must be something interesting going on at all times. Whether it’s a heated discussion or researching a new place to visit or going somewhere different, your mind is constantly working overtime. And being the social butterfly you are, you’re always off to hang out with friends and family. Click Here to read about Mars symbol meaning.

Fun, flirtatious, and spirited, you want to have a good time without getting bogged down by serious conversations or boring routines. You are a force to be reckoned with, and you will need a partner who is up for the challenge.

Mars In 9th House: Negative Traits

The effect of Mars in 9th house in your birth chart is that you tend to spread yourself too thin. Because you’re always on the go, you sometimes forget about a meeting for work or having drinks with a friend. Organization is not your strong suit, because you don’t have time to stop and prioritize your schedule.

Mars in 9th house elite reviews

This also means you have trouble keeping things straight in your mind, as you have a thousand different ideas racing through your brain. Try to utilize this energy by turning it toward creating an agenda for the week. There is plenty of technology that can help you to keep things straight.

Mars In 9th House Elite Manual

It doesn’t take much time to type something into your phone or write it on a calendar. That way, you can keep everyone in your social circle happy, and you won’t feel burnt out in the process. You can maintain the same level of energy and enthusiasm for life.


It’s that same enthusiasm that makes the Mars in 9th house personality a playful partner in the bedroom as well. You view sex almost like a sport, and it’s up to the other person to keep up with you and your active sex drive.

Mars In 9th House Elite League

Because you are so blunt and direct, it may be difficult for some to handle your opinion. But your kindness and sense of humor keep people coming back for more. So, focus on those qualities if a problem arises with your partner.

Allow them to be as honest with you as you are with them, and everything will be out in the open. You do have to deal with responsibilities once in a while. So, don’t get upset at those who are simply trying to keep things running smoothly. And don’t automatically dismiss someone who has a different opinion from you, especially when it comes to romance. You need that kind of reality check to ensure you don’t get overly cocky.

See Also:

Mars In 9th House Of Horoscope

Mars In 1st House
Mars In 2nd House
Mars In 3rd House
Mars In 4th House
Mars In 5th House
Mars In 6th House
Mars In 7th House
Mars In 8th House
Mars In 9th House
Mars In 10th House
Mars In 11th House
Mars In 12th House

Mars In Gemini 9th House

Mars is aggressive by nature but the sign and house, and aspects made to him will alter how he plays out in synastry. On a very general level, he shows where we will put the majority of our energy, use aggression or put effort into, in synastry he shows where we will stimulate, push or spark our partners.

Mars in Partners 1st house (click link)

Mars in Partners 2nd house

You might find yourself being very complimentary to your partner, which can most certainly help increase your partner's self-esteem. This is the house of money but also self-esteem, which is often inter-related. There is usually a mutual respect or appreciation for one an other's talents and going into a business together might prove profitable. The Mars person might stimulate new money-making opportunities or ideas for the house person in which they may benefit from. Perhaps the house person admires the Mars persona, courage, directness and what appears self-confidence. The Mars person might stimulate the house person's need for pleasures and material security. The Mars person will also see the house persons many talents and take an interest in whether or not they use them. Mars will likely want to talk money and business or in the negative cost the house person money. Regardless the house person will likely be quite generous to the Mars person because they feel much more confident around them. Although this is a materialistic house, it is also a sensual house so this placement indicates much attraction, or a strong desire to experience the finer things in life together, sensuality and sex. If Mars is afflicted then the Mars person may become a financial burden the house person, or become too interested in the financial affairs of the house person. The house person may become possessive of the Mars person if the attraction is mutual and this is a love relationship.

Mars in your Partners 3rd house

The Mars person will likely stimulate the house persons mind. This is a very talkative or chatty position for Mars so depending on how both people relate will depict how this truly plays out. It is possible that the house person may find the Mars person to aggressive when communicating, over talking or talking more than listening. However, if both people are conscious or mindful then this can be a very stimulating aspect. Communication is very important between two people, and this indicates a lot in common or much to talk about.

Mars in your Partners 4th house

This placement indicates that both people will spend much of their time talking about home or family. Both people might have similarities in the way they were both raised or there may be strikingly similar things about one another that reminds them of home, early childhood or a family member. The Mars person might pry a bit too much into the house persons past or early upbringing, leaving no stone unturned. If this is a romantic relationship than their will probably be a strong, desire to set up home together and if you both live together your family life will be invigorating.

Mars in your Partners 5th house

This is usually a very romantic, passionate and playful position for Mars. The Mars person will stimulate the house persons sense of fun, and play inducing laughter and love. You will enjoy spending much of your time being playful. You both will spark one an others creativity but will also encourage one another to express it openly. You will be very supportive of one an others natural expression, this is a very encouraging placement. Sex will be passionate, and having children may be on your minds, when the time is right.

Mars in your Partners 6th house

Although this is not exactly the most romantic placement, it most certainly can be. The Mars person will stimulate the house person to take better care of themselves, or will be concerned about the house persons health and well being. The house person will provide the Mars person with more productive ways to utilize their time, perhaps by making more efficient suggestions. You will both want to take care of one another, and although your expression of affection might be more practical it is no less, meaningful. You will show your love for one another by caring practically for one another, in the day to day, health and perhaps of being of service always there to help. However, you can both make the conscious effort, to be more romantic and sentimental if you wish.

Mars in your Partners 7th house

This placement stimulates the desire to partner, with one another but this house is not always romantic.This is the house of equal partnership, where you both decide to work together towards a mutual goal. If this is a romantic interaction then Marriage most certainly is possible, because you will both want to get serious, if other factors allow. You will both stimulate one another, by having a lot in common and perhaps many similar goals. On the negative the Mars person may be to aggressive with the house person, or argumentative however, being mindful of one another will make all the difference. If there is mutual attraction you may feel a sense of hurry to get together and could form a relationship rather quickly.

Mars in your Partners 8th house

There are many different factors to take into consideration to be certain how this aspect will play out as always and much depends on the individual charts. In the positive, this usually ignites much sexual attraction to one another, and a interest to dive deep into all things hidden and mysterious. Deep open sharing of all secrets are possible, and if both people are mature and mindful then the level of depth they can reach will be like no other, openly sharing all things both emotionally and materially. On the negative, the Mars person may pry too much into the house persons psyche making them feel uncomfortable, or may use money as a way to keep the house person attached to them. It is also possible that the Mars person could dig to far, or turn the relationship to heavy to fast or the focus could be too much on sex and the darker more taboo subjects. Sex will be intense, risky and perhaps even taboo.

Mars in your Partners 9th house

Mars here, stimulates the house persons desire to explore and experience all things new. This shows common interests and similar philosophies, in which you will both enjoy travel, learning and exploring. This is a expansive, optimistic position for Mars which indicates much happiness in being together if other aspects allow.

Mars in your 10th house

This indicates a strong desire to be public together, perhaps you both have similar career goals, or have similar ways in which you present yourself. The Mars person may help the house person reach new career goals, and will more than likely offer assistance. The Mars person will enjoy sharing ideas, but may also work as a promoter or PR for the house person in their career. The house person will appreciate the Mars person for their talents and may even admire them. This actually indicates mutual respect for one another if other aspects allow, and a desire to do something together publicly.

Mars in your Partners 11th house

Getting involved in groups will likely be a large part of your interaction together, you will both likely share a mutual set of friends or will enjoy intermixing your friends with one another. Mars person will feel accepted by the house person just as they are and a true friendship is very possible. In a romantic interaction this indicates the Mars person will be very supportive of the house person goals, hopes and wishes, you will both not only be lovers but also friends with many of the same, favorite past times and interests.

Mars in your Partners 12th house

This house is very tricky for it holds both our soul-mate and our enemies. This can be very good or very bad and it truly depends on the individuals involved, and their Karma. The 12th house is a mysterious house, it's very spiritual, recluse and hidden, it is the house of the unconscious. Typically the house person may be able to provide the Mars person with healing on a very deep level, by helping the house person over come the ways in which they may sabotage them self, or help them overcome their fears. However, the Mars person will have insights into the house persons unconscious, and can trigger old hurts and even encourage their hidden fears on the negative. It is up to both people to be aware of how this person makes them feel, to know which way it will go.

In the positive they can point out talents or strengths of the house person which may help them heal as well. This house is the house of undoing, and the nature of the people involved will tell you more about whether or not the interaction will be positive or not.